Database Connection Functions

1.2. Database Connection Functions

The following routines deal with making a connection to a PostgreSQL backend server. The application program can have several backend connections open at one time. (One reason to do that is to access more than one database.) Each connection is represented by a PGconn object which is obtained from PQconnectdb or PQsetdbLogin. Note that these functions will always return a non-null object pointer, unless perhaps there is too little memory even to allocate the PGconn object. The PQstatus function should be called to check whether a connection was successfully made before queries are sent via the connection object.

libpq application programmers should be careful to maintain the PGconn abstraction. Use the accessor functions below to get at the contents of PGconn. Avoid directly referencing the fields of the PGconn structure because they are subject to change in the future. (Beginning in PostgreSQL release 6.4, the definition of struct PGconn is not even provided in libpq-fe.h. If you have old code that accesses PGconn fields directly, you can keep using it by including libpq-int.h too, but you are encouraged to fix the code soon.)

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