Postgres95 Release 0.02

A.39. Postgres95 Release 0.02

Release date: 1995-05-25

A.39.1. Changes

Incompatible changes:
 * The SQL statement for creating a database is 'CREATE DATABASE' instead
   of 'CREATEDB'. Similarly, dropping a database is 'DROP DATABASE' instead
   of 'DESTROYDB'. However, the names of the executables 'createdb' and 
   'destroydb' remain the same.
New tools:
 * pgperl - a Perl (4.036) interface to Postgres95
 * pg_dump - a utility for dumping out a postgres database into a
	script file containing query commands. The script files are in a ASCII
	format and can be used to reconstruct the database, even on other
	machines and other architectures. (Also good for converting
	a Postgres 4.2 database to Postgres95 database.)

The following ports have been incorporated into postgres95-beta-0.02:
 * the NetBSD port by Alistair Crooks
 * the AIX port by Mike Tung
 * the Windows NT port by Jon Forrest (more stuff but not done yet)
 * the Linux ELF port by Brian Gallew

The following bugs have been fixed in postgres95-beta-0.02:
 * new lines not escaped in COPY OUT and problem with COPY OUT when first
   attribute is a '.' 
 * cannot type return to use the default user id in createuser
 * SELECT DISTINCT on big tables crashes
 * Linux installation problems
 * monitor doesn't allow use of 'localhost' as PGHOST
 * psql core dumps when doing \c or \l
 * the "pgtclsh" target missing from src/bin/pgtclsh/Makefile
 * libpgtcl has a hard-wired default port number
 * CREATE TYPE doesn't accept 'variable' as the internallength
 * wrong result using more than 1 aggregate in a SELECT

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