Date/Time Key Words

A.2. Date/Time Key Words

Table A-1 shows the tokens that are permissible as abbreviations for the names of the month.

Table A-1. Month Abbreviations

SeptemberSep, Sept

Note: The month May has no explicit abbreviation, for obvious reasons.

Table A-2 shows the tokens that are permissible as abbreviations for the names of the days of the week.

Table A-2. Day of the Week Abbreviations

TuesdayTue, Tues
WednesdayWed, Weds
ThursdayThu, Thur, Thurs

Table A-3 shows the tokens that serve various modifier purposes.

Table A-3. Date/Time Field Modifiers

ABSTIMEKey word ignored
AMTime is before 12:00
ATKey word ignored
JULIAN, JD, JNext field is Julian Day
ONKey word ignored
PMTime is on or after after 12:00
TNext field is time

The key word ABSTIME is ignored for historical reasons; in very old releases of PostgreSQL invalid fields of type abstime were emitted as Invalid Abstime. This is no longer the case however and this key word will likely be dropped in a future release.

Table A-4 shows the time zone abbreviations recognized by PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL contains internal tabular information for time zone decoding, since there is no standard operating system interface to provide access to general, cross-time zone information. The underlying operating system is used to provide time zone information for output, however.

The table is organized by time zone offset from UTC, rather than alphabetically; this is intended to facilitate matching local usage with recognized abbreviations for cases where these might differ.

Table A-4. Time Zone Abbreviations

Time ZoneOffset from UTCDescription
NZDT+13:00New Zealand Daylight Time
IDLE+12:00International Date Line, East
NZST+12:00New Zealand Standard Time
NZT+12:00New Zealand Time
AESST+11:00Australia Eastern Summer Standard Time
ACSST+10:30Central Australia Summer Standard Time
CADT+10:30Central Australia Daylight Savings Time
SADT+10:30South Australian Daylight Time
AEST+10:00Australia Eastern Standard Time
EAST+10:00East Australian Standard Time
GST+10:00Guam Standard Time, USSR Zone 9
LIGT+10:00Melbourne, Australia
SAST+09:30South Australia Standard Time
CAST+09:30Central Australia Standard Time
AWSST+09:00Australia Western Summer Standard Time
JST+09:00Japan Standard Time,USSR Zone 8
KST+09:00Korea Standard Time
MHT+09:00Kwajalein Time
WDT+09:00West Australian Daylight Time
MT+08:30Moluccas Time
AWST+08:00Australia Western Standard Time
CCT+08:00China Coastal Time
WADT+08:00West Australian Daylight Time
WST+08:00West Australian Standard Time
JT+07:30Java Time
ALMST+07:00Almaty Summer Time
WAST+07:00West Australian Standard Time
CXT+07:00Christmas (Island) Time
MMT+06:30Myannar Time
ALMT+06:00Almaty Time
MAWT+06:00Mawson (Antarctica) Time
IOT+05:00Indian Chagos Time
MVT+05:00Maldives Island Time
TFT+05:00Kerguelen Time
AFT+04:30Afganistan Time
EAST+04:00Antananarivo Savings Time
MUT+04:00Mauritius Island Time
RET+04:00Reunion Island Time
SCT+04:00Mahe Island Time
IRT, IT+03:30Iran Time
EAT+03:00Antananarivo, Comoro Time
BT+03:00Baghdad Time
EETDST+03:00Eastern Europe Daylight Savings Time
HMT+03:00Hellas Mediterranean Time (?)
BDST+02:00British Double Standard Time
CEST+02:00Central European Savings Time
CETDST+02:00Central European Daylight Savings Time
EET+02:00Eastern Europe, USSR Zone 1
FWT+02:00French Winter Time
IST+02:00Israel Standard Time
MEST+02:00Middle Europe Summer Time
METDST+02:00Middle Europe Daylight Time
SST+02:00Swedish Summer Time
BST+01:00British Summer Time
CET+01:00Central European Time
DNT+01:00Dansk Normal Tid
FST+01:00French Summer Time
MET+01:00Middle Europe Time
MEWT+01:00Middle Europe Winter Time
MEZ+01:00Middle Europe Zone
NOR+01:00Norway Standard Time
SET+01:00Seychelles Time
SWT+01:00Swedish Winter Time
WETDST+01:00Western Europe Daylight Savings Time
GMT+00:00Greenwich Mean Time
UT+00:00Universal Time
UTC+00:00Universal Time, Coordinated
Z+00:00Same as UTC
ZULU+00:00Same as UTC
WET+00:00Western Europe
WAT-01:00West Africa Time
NDT-02:30Newfoundland Daylight Time
ADT-03:00Atlantic Daylight Time
NFT-03:30Newfoundland Standard Time
NST-03:30Newfoundland Standard Time
AST-04:00Atlantic Standard Time (Canada)
ACST-04:00Atlantic/Porto Acre Summer Time
ACT-05:00Atlantic/Porto Acre Standard Time
EDT-04:00Eastern Daylight Time
CDT-05:00Central Daylight Time
EST-05:00Eastern Standard Time
CST-06:00Central Standard Time
MDT-06:00Mountain Daylight Time
MST-07:00Mountain Standard Time
PDT-07:00Pacific Daylight Time
AKDT-08:00Alaska Daylight Time
PST-08:00Pacific Standard Time
YDT-08:00Yukon Daylight Time
AKST-09:00Alaska Standard Time
HDT-09:00Hawaii/Alaska Daylight Time
YST-09:00Yukon Standard Time
MART-09:30Marquesas Time
AHST-10:00Alaska-Hawaii Standard Time
HST-10:00Hawaii Standard Time
CAT-10:00Central Alaska Time
NT-11:00Nome Time
IDLW-12:00International Date Line, West

Australian Time Zones. There are three naming conflicts between Australian time zone names with time zones commonly used in North and South America: ACST, CST, and EST. If the run-time option AUSTRALIAN_TIMEZONES is set to true then ACST, CST, EST, and SAT are interpreted as Australian time zone names, as shown in Table A-5. If it is false (which is the default), then ACST, CST, and EST are taken as American time zone names, and SAT is interpreted as a noise word indicating Saturday.

Table A-5. Australian Time Zone Abbreviations

Time ZoneOffset from UTCDescription
ACST+09:30Central Australia Standard Time
CST+10:30Australian Central Standard Time
EST+10:00Australian Eastern Standard Time
SAT+09:30South Australian Standard Time
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